064 663 7598 (International: 00353 64 6637598) info@killarneyschoolofmusic.com

LCM Summer Exams 2020

Keep up practice and preparation as LCM Summer Exams are still due to proceed in Summer 2020. The Spring LCM exams took place in the form of an online exam. We are waiting on the LCM Exam Board to confirm the implementation plan for this year’s Summer exams.. This may take the form of an online exam, as was the case with the Spring LCM exams. We will update you when we have further information.

The following are the likely options that may be offered to students if the Summer LCM Exams are implemented in the same manner as the Spring LCM Exams:

Two possible options:


Up to Grade 4: Video Link
These exams would follow exactly the same format as a traditional face-to-face exam but using a live, secure, online platform.
These exams would be offered up to and including Grade 4.

Grade 5 to Grade 8: Recorded exams
These exams would provide the opportunity for the assessment of musical performance whereby candidates upload a video of their performance to our newly developed secure platform, rather than attending an examination venue.  More information on recorded exams click on the following link. Scroll down to see individual exam subjects – Piano – Singing – Traditional and click on downloads available here https://lcme.uwl.ac.uk/exams/digital-exams/recorded-exams

Option 2. POSTPONE
You may postpone your entry until such time as face-to-face exams resume

Please note that Killarney School of Music are currently offering limited online classes that may be useful to students preparing for exams. See HERE for details