064 663 7598 (International: 00353 64 6637598) info@killarneyschoolofmusic.com

Parent Teacher Meetings 2019

Parent Teacher Meetings will be held at the end of this term. The last date for meetings will be 20th Dec unless otherwise stated. Feel free to drop in during the allocated times to discuss student’s progress. Click HERE for time schedule for meetings.

New Course – Piano Accompaniment and Keyboard Skills

Bring your existing classical piano skills to a new and practical level by developing  your ability to accompany. In the local entertainment scene there’s always a  shortage of accompanists especially in the trad scene. Our new piano teacher Miriam Fell will be...

LCM Exam Timetable 2019

The LCM Exam Timetable is finally here and can now be downloaded by clicking on the link below. We appreciate this is incredibly late notice. Please see our KSOM STATEMENT re: EXAMS 2019 in our News section for further details. Please take note of your exam time. You...


Here at Killarney School of Music we aim to provide the best opportunities for our students. This includes the co-ordination and facilitation of exams in the school when appropriate. This involves dealing with different examination institutions eg. RIAM (Royal Irish...